Of life's 4 billion years, the majority of it has not had complex life forms. The earliest fossils are of bacteria.
Most life forms never formed fossil remains. Most of today's complex life forms do not have fossil records.
Evolutionary science is based on a range of skills, not just the physical remains, many of which are calcified outlines, not the actual animal, fish, bird, etc.
Which of the evolutionary sciences have you researched? Which books have you read related to evolution that are based on quantum mechanics and on punctuated equilibria?
How many scientific books do you own which deal with evolution?
What do you believe Tiktaalik tells us?
If evolution is not true, do you want me to go to the outback of my country and accept the myths of the Australian Aboriginals? Were the ancient Egyptians correct? Or the Romans? Or the Indians? You open a veritable Pandora's Box if you wanted to accept supernatural mysticism. I live in a country that is proud of its scientific achievements.
When I told a visitor this afternoon that there were some people in USA who accepted the two Creation myths in the Hebrew Scriptures, she was absolutely shocked.